what to say when someone ignores your text

He used to text you right away, but these days go by, and he doesn’t text me anymore. Whenever I ask the reason, he says he is busy or stuck with his work… Sounds familiar? You texted someone and instead of getting a reply, they ignored you. It makes you feel confused, annoyed and irritated. Now, you’re wondering what to say when someone ignores your text

There are many reasons behind the fact: what to say when someone ignores your text and why they ignore your text.  Let’s discuss some of them.

Why They Ignore Your Text

If you are wondering why they are purposeful and sudden when someone doesn’t reply to your text and what to say when someone ignores your text, here are all the reasons.

  • If They Are Not Interested

Unfortunately, we’re going to start with the hardest;  They just weren’t interested (sorry!). While we’d like to believe that the person on the other end of the text is enjoying the conversation as much as we are, that’s not always the case. We know how easy it is to read into things, to see a polite gesture as something close to love, and it feels amazing when you realize that you two have a lot in common. We tend to focus on all the good things, how this guy can be the perfect match – we forget that he needs to be on the same page too. 

Over time, they realize you weren’t meant for them. If you meet in person after talking through social media or a dating app, they may have noticed some mannerisms or personality traits that weren’t revealed online. Of course, there is no need to be offended because it can happen to absolutely anyone (of any gender). When online, we try to paint ourselves in the best possible light and sometimes we go a little too far and become a completely different person in real life (from their perspective). 

  • If They Moved On

Again, this is a harsh reality but at the stage where you’re only casually dating, you can’t necessarily expect them not to date others (and the same for you!). Assuming you haven’t had a ‘let’s commit to each other’ chat, no matter how serious you want to be, be realistic with your expectations. 

After all, they may be talking to you if someone ignores you, else at the same time as you;  You know, they see their relationship with another girl as the most likely. Especially with dating websites/apps, it’s not unusual for users to message multiple people at once as we’re all trying to find someone who fits our personality, sense of humor and needs. Although it may hurt, they may have found someone they are more connected to. 

  • Ghosting is Too Easy

Sadly, in the society we live in, it’s very easy to read a message, brush it off, and forget it entirely. While that may not be right (and some might call it cowardice), it’s just something that happens. Instead of letting you down face-to-face, or letting you down at all, they believe that ghosting and ignoring your messages is the best way to make their feelings known. They may think that ignoring your messages is saying what needs to be said…without actually saying it. 

In fact, they might have convinced me that it would be presumptuous to call off your relationship if you didn’t consider it a ‘relationship’ yet. Would you be insulted to receive this message? In fact, all of these things can spin their heads around and it’s easy for them to assume that you’re on the same page. 

  • If They are Upset With You

Let’s say your best friend is upset with you because you haven’t seen them much. So, what can they do?  when someone ignores you on purpose. There was nothing else behind it, they just wanted to show you that they are upset with you. Obviously, this is an immature way of dealing with the situation, but it certainly sends a clear message. 

  • If The Conversation Died

We know you want to talk to them especially if they are your crush. We’re sorry to inform you, but what to say when someone ignores your text, if the conversation is over. That’s not a bad thing, but know when to stop talking and put some space between conversations. They cannot last forever. And if you send emojis without any relevant text, we don’t blame them for ignoring you. 

  • If They Suck At Texting

Some people are really terrible with texting. Can you still blame them? Their hands kill at the end of the day. Some people are not interested in texting. When you see them in person, they are chatty and social but when it comes to texting, they seem to have no personality. If they tell you they’re not much of a texter, that’s why they’re slow to return and what to say when someone ignores your text. 

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What To Say When Someone Ignores Your Text

  • “Are you alright? I’m worried”
  • I’m wondering if you’re free to talk, I need to tell you something
  • Just wanted to make sure you are okay
  • I’m just wondering if you’re ok, you haven’t replied to my messages
  • Send me a message when you’re ready to talk
  • I noticed you’ve been away, is everything okay?
  • I was just wondering if you ever wanted to catch up?
  • I’m sad that we aren’t talking right now
  • I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk
  • I was thinking about something funny that happened to me today and it made me think of you
  • I understand if you need some time, let me know if there is anything I can do
  • This may be silly, but I just wanted to check if you are ok?  You have been on my mind a lot lately

Related Article –  When a Guy Says He Adores You

What To Do If Someone Ignores You

Here is what to do if someone ignores you. 

  • Get Out Of Your Head

Your girl has failed to respond to a few of your messages, and the first thought that comes to mind is, “Why is she suddenly ignoring my texts?” 

Before you go ahead and label your connection doomed, make sure you’re actually being ignored. You’d be surprised how many people create false scenarios they repeat over and over in their heads.  Think about if you are one of them. 

For example, have you had several failed relationships in the past that left you with the feeling that everyone will eventually abandon you? A few ignored text messages doesn’t mean all is lost, and you’ll be alone forever. 

When someone ignores you, it’s hard to tell what’s really on their mind. But when assessing whether she’s ignoring you, think about other possible explanations:

  1. Is this person leading an extremely busy life?
  2. Could he have needed some time alone and decided to ignore everyone in general?
  3. Is he going through a stressful situation?

If any of the above turns out to be the case, interest may be lost as to why they didn’t go MIA. 

  • Relax

The most seemingly counterintuitive thing in the world at this point would be to hold back because you want them back. In our experience, chasing never succeeds. You have to give them some space.  If they really like you, they will remember your message. Again, it could be that they’ve started a new role at work, moved or are really busy elsewhere. Don’t jump the gun and send an angry message when they’re actually having a busy time;  They may even go through some personal difficulties. If they doubt your relationship, constant messaging will only push them away – so give them space, allow them to think about you, and they’ll message if they want to. 

  • Reach Out

Sometimes on a text, tone can be difficult to decipher. This can cause all kinds of communication problems. If you think there was a misunderstanding that may have set him back, for example, you can reach out last (just manage your expectations). For the sarcastic among us, those who don’t quite understand your sense of humor (yet) may think you’re being serious when you’re joking.  By reaching out, the following results are possible:

  1. You can laugh about it and continue your relationship as before
  2. They can simply explain that you are not a match
  3. They may tell you about their new relationship with someone else
  4. The message could be ignored

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Just because someone ignores your text doesn’t mean they’re trying to be rude or cause trouble. And if they ignore your text, there’s probably a reason behind it. However, what is important to know is what to say when someone ignores your text that diminishes you as a person or causes more problems. Give them a reasonable amount of time to respond to your text. If you really don’t want what to do when someone ignores your text and is rude to you, the best way to teach them a lesson is to ignore them. 


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