How to tell a guy friend you like him

When it comes to love we often ignore whom we are falling for. We usually love someone when we know them and have spent time with them for a long time. Now imagine if you are falling in love with a guy friend who’s in the same friend group. Sometimes, we hesitate to telling a friend you like them for the sake of our friendship. Some expected cause how to tell a guy friend you like him, we often face are :

  • Can we really control our emotions and not love someone whom we have considered our best friend. Very few people can resist their feelings and never say them but most of us cannot survive the feeling of losing them. 
  • The biggest question that lies is “how to tell a guy friend that you like him? “. We often ignore our feeling and never say or talk about them with them as we all are afraid to lose people. Aren’t we? 
  • Consider liking your best friend with whom you have gone through trouble every ups and downs and is your childhood friend. Very few people can ask them out or start a new life with them without a fear but most of us do not have the courage to talk about it with them as we are afraid that they do not love us back. 

No worries my friend, we have all your probable solutions so you do not have to hold yourself back.

You are attached towards a man and you don’t have a clue how to approach him? 

Make sure you observe his each and every move about his likings and disliking. It may be you have been friends for a long time now but when it comes to liking our friend it takes a lot of guts to approach them. Now the question remains, can you approach without letting them know? Yes, you can.

If you ever had a crush ask yourself if you like their personality or just the face because it might can help you in the long run. 

  • Create direct contact :

Every people love when someone whom they are talking with is giving you their undivided attention. Try making direct eye contact while talking with them. Usually men finds female attractive when they make eye contacts while talking with them. If you notice him to make direct eye contacts with you, you must know this is one of the signs your male friend has feelings for you. While they are speaking or sharing something, never interrupt them. When someone you already know is interested in you they will make sure to get drowned in the conversation while they are with you. 

  • Start the communication by yourself : 

When you know about how he melts my heart, you must try to communicate with him before it is too late. If you like a stranger or met someone new whom you finds attractive never question yourself. Clear all your doubts and start a conversation with them . If you both have never spoken to each other, first say them ‘hii’  if you see them not being preoccupied by someone and then introduce yourself. Talk and try to understand the person he is and then if you feel he is the choice for you, you must invite him for a coffee night. 

  • Invite him over at your friends event : 

We all have that one or two occasions with our friends where they brings their boyfriends and girlfriend too. Grab this opportunity to introduce him to your group and make him understand that you like him. If he is the interested in you, he will surely attain the invitation and try to spend time with you. Give him your undivided attention and embrace him. Take this opportunity and try to understand him to know if he is the right person for you.

  •  Be attentive :

When we have so much to talk about but someone interrupts us, we all feel uncomfortable and annoyed. If he is saying something or sharing about his days and events, do not interrupt them. In case they are over with the topic, if you have any quarries ask them about it. We all hate to be interrupted so make sure you do not end up doing the same. If he makes my heart melt, give him all the attention he deserves and try to make the conversation deep. The more you share, the more important it makes them feel.

  • Comfort him : 

We all aim to be with someone who can comfort us and understand us when we want them to. Who doesn’t feel irritated when you talk a lot or share something with them. Try to comfort him with your words as much as you can. The more you comfort them, the more worthy they will feel. Observe his behaviour, try to understand what is the best thing that can be done when he is sad. When you walk with him, do the things he like. Try being the most comfortable person to him and give him reasons to trust you. We all need one person whom we know we can rely on. 

What To Say To Your Boyfriend When You Are Mad At Him : 

  • Tell him your reasons to be angry : 

When you are angry with a person, it is better to let them know the reason why you are angry with him. It’s better to clear out the air by giving the appropriate reasons why you got angry with him. When you are having issues, it is better to say it to them when it comes to save your relationship with him. You might feel it worthless but it is better to say it to him if he ask you why you are angry.

  • If things get out your hands, It’s better to be silent : 

If you think everything is turning out wrong and you both are fighting even more, sometimes it is better to be quiet. When you are silent there is reasonably less chances of arguments and when the matter is turning cold, it is the best chance to communicate with each other. It is better to be silent than heating up the argument even more. Sometimes these tiny issues become the worst nightmare of your life. Try avoiding heated up arguments in relationships.

  • Try to avoid communications with him : 

When you are angry with someone, try avoiding communications with them if you think you might end up ruining everything that you have with him. It is better that way because when you doesn’t reply them you can give him several excuses like, ‘sorry I was sleeping’ , ‘I didn’t get the text back then’ or maybe ‘my network was not working’. If they did something wrong and talking with him make it worse, I will suggest you to have short conversations and avoid long conversation for he time being. 

  • Save your time and write in short form : 

The most easy way to make your partner understand that you are angry with you is by writing in short. If you have noticed yourself, when we really want to keep the conversation going we write in a sentence and keep on bringing up several topics. But we don’t want to talk with someone we try to keep the conversation as short as possible. 

How To Tell Your Male Bestfriend You Love Them : 

  • Let them know how much precious they are :

When it comes to best Friend we all know that we get confused if or if not we should tell them how we feel about them. It brings in high chances of risk to lose the beloved bestfriend by saying the inappropriate words. If you think they share the same feelings for you then you must let them know how much important their existence hold in your life. Make them feel worthy and precious.

  • Ask them out so that you can spend time with them :

It’s natural to spend time with the one you love. If you want some ‘us’ moments, ask them out so that you both can hang out together and spend the time with peace. Make sure to plan out where you’re going. When it comes to best friends, you already know what the love and their favourite place. Try spending time where you both used to. Even Though he is officially now your boyfriend but you know him the best as he was your best friend. 

  • Flirt with him to reach towards the possibilities :

When you have this silly question of how to tell your bestfriend you’re in love with them, you must flirt with them so that you know what his intentions are. Talk about his emotions so that you know the possibilities of you and him getting together. If you think, both of you are in the same page that is the right time to disclose that you are in love with him. Before getting into a very deep conversation, you must know that even if you are flirting with him you should never talk about love in the first place. That might can make the conversation little awkward. 

Conclusion :

We often get confused and troubled when it comes to love. Love is something where people need to make sacrifices,  need to hold onto each other even at the worst time and if though the boat sinks they sink together. One can come across to several solutions when they have the basic problem to express themselves. Be confident and do not think about what will happen if they rejects you. Make yourself prepared for every possible replies from him. These above quarries along with the solution might help the people to overcome their doubts.

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